Our integrated logistics tracking solution creates visibility and materials tracking across our clients' networks. With focus on last-mile delivery details that will enable near real-time visibility. Our logistics control tower monitoring & tracking solution delivers a full end-to-end supply chain visibility.
Logistics as a Service
Customization and flexibility in service model to adapt to client-specific requirements.
Managed service model that includes logistics coordination, material coordination and cost analysis
Offshore Logistics Coordination for Production & Wells
Shorebase Services
Shorebase management
Integrated logistics support (Material Expediting, Shipping & Receiving, Dispatching, Admin Support, and Equipment Operating)
Cost Tracking & Analysis
Integrated Logistics Tracking Solution
Integrated track and trace system to enable end to end visibility of the goods in real time
A Logistics Control Tower (LCT) based centralized logistics monitoring & tracking solution delivering end-to-end supply chain visibility
Last-mile delivery management and visibility